Point of Interest PA83-19-34 (2)
Since 1911, 31 major lakes have been constructed within the Trinity River basin.

Property Owner Permits and Licenses at Lake Livingston

Anything you can do in-person at your local office you can do online. Examples include Apply for Permits, Pay Online, Request Inspections, Submit Files, Download Inspection Reports and Approved Plans, Check Status of a Permit, Download Permit Data, Search for Permits, Manage Contractor and Business Licenses.

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The largest single-purpose lake in the state, Lake Livingston covers approximately 83,000 surface acres and impounds 1.8 million acre-feet of water at its normal pool elevation of 131 feet above mean sea level.  The lake was built and is owned by TRA, which operates the lake solely for water-supply purposes. 

Owners of property on Lake Livingston can find below a full range of forms and procedures for the construction and maintenance of various structures and facilities.

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This geospatial data product is provided as a public service for informational purposes only and was not prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes.  It does not represent an on the-ground survey conducted by or under the supervision of a registered professional land surveyor.  It represents only the approximate relative location of the Restricted Area and Water Quality Area around Lake Livingston in which the Authority regulates the construction, operation and maintenance of on-site sewage facilities.  This product is not a substitute for obtaining a survey or other professional advice about a specific property, specific question, or situation.

Jurisdiction LLP (1)

The Trinity River Authority specifically disclaims any and all warranties, representations, or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to the information provided, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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