Water Conservation


Water-efficient appliances and fixtures
Replace old appliances and fixtures including toilets, washing machines, dishwashers, faucets and showerheads with water-efficient models.

Fix Leaks
Regularly inspect toilets and faucets for leaks. To check toilets for leaks, remove the top and add a few drops of food coloring to the tank. If the color appears in the toilet bowl, you have a leak. To check sinks, simply run the water and watch under the sink for any leakage from the pipes.

Full loads only
Whether washing clothes or dishes, only run your washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load. Use a quick or light wash setting if your machine has one. Also, always opt for the dishwasher rather than hand-washing to save water.

Take shorter showers
Every minute counts. Cutting your shower to five minutes, can save about 12.5 gallons of water, compared to a 15-shower that can use more than 37 gallons of water. 

Turn off the water
Don't let the water run while washing your hands, brushing your teeth, shaving or washing dishes, Turn off the water during these activities and simply turn it back on to rinse.

Install faucet aerators
Install faucet aerators to reduce the amount of water used every time you turn the sink on. Faucet aerators add air to the stream, slowing the flow of water without decreasing water pressure.

Don't let water go to waste
Rather than pouring unused water down the drain, find a way to use it around the house. While waiting for water to get hot in the shower, capture the water to water house plants.

The toilet is not a trashcan
Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. In addition to potentially clogging pipes and creating blockages, disposing of trash in the toilet causes unnecessary flushing which wastes water. For more information, click here

Click HERE for a printable PDF.


Drought-tolerant plants
Consider planting native, adapted, drought-tolerant plants. They are more pest resistant and require less water once established. Check out our plant list, HERE

Collect rainwater
Save water and prevent runoff by harvesting rainwater. Buy or make your own rain barrel for collecting rainwater from your gutters. and use it to water your landscaping.

Use mulch
Use mulch around flowerbeds, shrubs, bushes and trees. Mulch helps to prevent runoff and reduce evaporation which maintains moisture requiring less watering. 

Irrigation system maintenance
Regularly inspect for leaks and repair promptly. Check sprinkler heads and valves to ensure they are not broken, clogged, blocked or cracked. Also, check to make sure each sprinkler head is positioned to water the correct areas. 

Use a broom to clean
Don't use the water hose to clean or clear off streets, patios, decks, porches, driveways or sidewalks. A broom can get the job done just as easily and save water in the process. 

Water wisely
Only water when needed. Research your specific landscape and water the recommended amount. Never water during the hottest part of the day, on windy days or when it has rained recently or there is rain in the forecast. If you have an irrigation system, consider installing a rain sensor. 

Use a bucket when washing your car
Rather than running the water hose as you wash your car, fill a bucket with soapy water to wash and a bucket with clean water to rinse. Even better, consider washing your car on the grass with non-toxic soap. 

Hand water 
Watering by hand uses less water than most irrigation systems. Consider hand watering areas that require more water to ensure the water goes exactly where needed, preventing overwatering and runoff. 
Click HERE for a printable PDF.